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ID kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Card ID Custom ▲
1660 Armaia Armeyer Dinze 66 7,110 Small Demi-Human Earth (Lv 3) 0 0 None No
1916 Satan Morroc Satan Morroc 99 8,388,607 Large Demon Dark (Lv 4) 335,000,000 225,000,000 None No
1149 Minorous Minorous 52 7,431 Large Brute Fire (Lv 2) 137,500 68,950 4126 No
1405 Tengu Tengu 65 16,940 Large Demon Earth (Lv 2) 210,350 142,150 4282 No
1661 Erend Errende Ebecee 59 6,980 Small Demi-Human Holy (Lv 2) 0 0 None No
1917 MVP! Wounded Morroc Wounded Morroc 99 8,388,607 Large Demon Dark (Lv 4) 180,000,000 150,000,000 None No
1150 MVP! Moonlight Flower Moonlight Flower 67 120,000 Small Demon Fire (Lv 3) 1,375,000 715,000 4131 No
1406 Kapha Kapha 41 7,892 Small Fish Water (Lv 1) 113,900 77,600 4287 No
1662 Kavac Kavach Icarus 60 7,899 Small Demi-Human Wind (Lv 2) 0 0 None No
1918 Incarnation of Morroc Incarnation of Morroc 97 190,000 Large Angel Dark (Lv 1) 3,050,000 7,000,000 None No
1151 Myst Myst 38 3,745 Large Formless Poison (Lv 1) 69,550 34,400 4108 No
1663 Rawrel Laurell Weinder 61 6,168 Small Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 2) 0 0 None No
1919 Incarnation of Morroc Incarnation of Morroc 97 190,000 Small Demon Dark (Lv 3) 3,250,000 6,000,000 None No
1152 Orc Skeleton Orc Skeleton 28 2,278 Small Undead Undead (Lv 1) 15,750 9,700 4085 No
1408 Bloody Butterfly Bloody Butterfly 55 8,082 Small Insect Wind (Lv 2) 105,950 78,100 4327 No
1664 Photon Cannon Photon Cannon 66 8,000 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 195,000 90,000 None No
1920 Incarnation of Morroc Incarnation of Morroc 96 143,000 Small Demon Undead (Lv 3) 2,500,000 4,000,000 None No
1153 Orc Zombie Orc Zombie 24 1,568 Small Undead Undead (Lv 1) 9,800 6,000 4071 No
1409 Rice Cake Boy Dumpling Child 27 2,098 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 11,550 7,450 4154 No
1665 Photon Cannon Photon Cannon 67 7,500 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 215,000 100,000 None No
1921 Incarnation of Morroc Incarnation of Morroc 98 150,000 Small Demon Ghost (Lv 3) 2,550,000 3,500,000 None No
1154 Pasana Pasana 61 8,289 Small Demi-Human Fire (Lv 2) 204,350 106,750 4099 No
1410 Live Peach Tree Enchanted Peach Tree 53 8,905 Small Plant Earth (Lv 2) 129,550 89,950 4217 No
1666 Photon Cannon Photon Cannon 64 7,100 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 155,000 135,000 None No
1922 Incarnation of Morroc Shadow of Morroc 97 1,200,000 Large Angel Dark (Lv 1) 0 0 None No
1155 Petite Petite 44 6,881 Small Dragon Earth (Lv 1) 83,850 51,700 4118 No
1667 Photon Cannon Photon Cannon 65 7,800 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 190,000 115,000 None No
1923 Incarnation of Morroc Shadow of Morroc 97 1,200,000 Small Demon Dark (Lv 3) 0 0 None No
1156 Petite Petite 45 5,747 Small Dragon Wind (Lv 1) 87,900 53,750 4120 No
1412 Evil Cloud Hermit Taoist Hermit 56 10,392 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 165,200 109,900 4262 No